Thursday 26 July 2007

Two days into one...

Ah such busyness these days, so let's get blogging!

Carried on tasks more online testing to be had. Towards the end of the day, a major problem was detected, more tests were carried out. Finally nailed down the problem and reported prompto. It's not unormal when you see something out of the ordinary and suspect its surroundings, 8 out of 10 times it will turn into a problem.

Back onto PC title for half a day regression and then returning to a previous PC title for func tests. Pretty usual stuff then.

News: Heavenly sword demo was announced for release today, but it turned up half a day later. Well better late than never eh?

Update: I played the demo of HS now:

Pros: Very nice, very pretty
Cons: Took hours to dl but the demo only lasted 5mins or so.... Grrrr!!!!

Resident Evil 5 (Ala RE5) gameplay trailer demo was released on LIVE, checked it out over lunch and was mightily impressed, the visuals are astounding, gameplay remains the same - hey that's no bad thing!

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