Friday 27 July 2007

The 27th day of the 7th month of the year 2007 - That's a whole lotta 7's!...

Proceeded yesterdays tasks. Some testing in German. Moved onto another PC project, this time round it was rather a refreshing twist. It was a cool spacey-cum-combat type affair (Ala Elite series back in the days). Just general compatibility tests were required. One realises how ones workstation is inferior to anothers, but this is a general environment for PC titles. Titles must work as specified in the "Minimum requirements" blurb. This means, as long as the game installs and runs (no matter how laggy or slow the system is) then it has met the requirements.

My gripes of this is that really there is no standard on the performance of PC titles. Basically, if you want to play the latest games on a PC of how it is intended to be, make sure it is at least in the "Recommended" specs. Otherwise you will be disappointed and prolly spend more money on PC gear. Either do the latter or wait for a console version :)

News (From Bill Gates sees processor clock speeds to top out at 10ghz.

According to Gates, there are currently six trends, which will be determining Microsoft and its product strategy for the years to come. In a rather unusual way, he mentioned the dramatic changes in the way the hardware engines that will be fueling new applications are engineered.

The fact that performance advances have shifted from a pure increase of clock speed to increased parallelism was described by Gates as a "challenge". He believes that "parallel execution will be the primary way silicon power will be delivered" down the road and not so much the fact that there is more clock speed available. According to Gates, microprocessors will get to 10 GHz, "but not much further" (...) "even 5 to 6 years out."

Interesting, the man does have a point I dare say. Will be interesting to see what kinder games will evolve from those technologies by then, maybe PC titles will be the thing of the past, maybe console will be a thing of the past, who knows?...

Ah, the weekend hasn't come soon enough, time to rest'n and unwind!

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