Tuesday 24 July 2007

A fine sunny day to start the day!...

Ok, it turns out i didn't really need to uninstall the PC programs as i was to moved onto another project. This time around, back to the beloved 360 :)

An XBLA title, a remake of a classic - it comes in two cosmetic flavors, original and enhanced forms. Tasks of the day included online TCR checks and regression - in relation: Low bandwith tests (voice-comms), local netplay and the like. Overall then, pretty straightforward stuff really.

Wonder what i'll be doing tomorrow? :)

Did you know?: Xbox Live is now termed as Xbox LIVE (According to the latest TCR docs)

Gaming bits
- PS3 firmware 1.90 available for Europe - no probs running from a UK account on a US machine!

- MGS4 in-game demoed on stage in Japan, lasting a full 15mins, it is absolutely breathtaking...

- Heavenly sword demo will be available on Thursday! :)

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