Saturday, 4 August 2007

Another week gone already...

Wow, it's been a week already? Now that's fast!

Well, more of the same really. A sound issue was found towards the end of the week. Back onto another project - Readying for submission; Localization - Boot checks, general func checks in differing langs. Overall, so far so good, it's ready to go. :)

Gaming bits
- LAIR has been delayed till Sept 4th for US ppls - Scoreboard probs apparently
- GTA IV (4) has been put back to till next year April'08 on all formats, yahoo sux I say but then again it hasn't been the first time delays have happened.
Update: GTA4; Apparently it's down to PS3 - Rockstar are having probs with PS3's architecture/system. You see, even the greatest coding comps encounter difficulties with the most powerful toys around! lol

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